With the technology innovation, the televisions are also shifted to the walls. These types of TVs are called mounted TVs. They require lesser space and also add value to your home aesthetic. While purchasing, customers frequently ask how often do wall-mounted TVs fall. Moreover, they also ask about its durability and how safe they are.
There is a misconception that mounted TVs fall from the wall. Although, there is no exact number to refer to it. But, the mounted TVs never fall when they are appropriately adjusted to the wall. Furthermore, according to the customer’s reviews, wall-mounted TVs never fall easily.
Besides this, the main reason for mounted the TV’s falling could be poor quality of the wall. Sometimes, the TVs are considered heavier for the wall. In that case, the wall could not hold the weight of the TV. Moreover, the inappropriate fitting while mounting the TV can cause this problem. It is very important to keep every factor in your mind related to TV and wall while mounting it.
Additionally, there are chances that your TV will get broken badly while wrongly mounting it. This is not only costly but also causes unwanted damage. You must very careful and attentive while mounting the TV at your home. We suggest you follow the instruction given with the wall-mounted TV.
Reasons for Wall Mounted TV’s Fall?
However, it is not as simple as it seems but we should focus on how often do wall-mounted TVs fall. There are many reasons for this damage. The users must need to avoid them for evading undesirable loss.
Consider the following factors while mounting wall TV.
Incorrect Setting of Wall
The structure and material of the wall are very important for mounting the TV. The inappropriate and damaged wall can cause the fall of mounted TV from the wall. Moreover, the grip of the wall over the TV is also important. When the wall is not able to hold the heavy device then defiantly it will cause damage.
Furthermore, you also make sure that the wall must be dry. The wet sordid walls cannot hold heavy material over them. Besides this, the unsuitable fittings over walls can cause this issue. On the solid walls, mount your TV with higher-quality bolts and plugs. You can use the longer bolts as per your wall’s length for better fixing.
In addition, if you have plasterboard walls then there are chances of wall-mounted TVs falling. This is because of weak holding by the wall. For avoiding this problem, you should use longer bolts. This will help in going through the wall behind the plasterboard wall.
Wrong-way of Fitting
Sometimes it happens that customers use the best quality of material for mounting the TV but still it falls. The reason for this damage is the poor fixing of wall-mounted TVs. Moreover, not following the instructions also causes this loss. It is very important to read the guidelines properly before applying them. This will help in understating the procedure.
It has been seen that people mount the TV but later it falls while using. It may happen due to the inappropriate holes in the wall. The larger hole than needed is the main reason. In addition, the loose screwing of bolts is also one of the reasons for wall-mounted TVs to fall. They are unable to hole the grip over the TV and it falls.
To avoid this problem, the customers must use compatible methods. They drilled the bolts properly and screw them tightly. Moreover, you can use additional bolts and plugs. It will help in giving a stronger hold over the wall. Also, drilling the wall again can protect you from any kind of damage.

Excessive Weight over TV Brackets
As mentioned above, it is very important to read the instructions before applying the wall-mounted TV. Also, you must be aware of all the do’s and don’ts. It will help in protecting from an unwanted situation. Mounted TVs fall from the walls because people are not fully aware of its guidelines.
Overlooking the instructions is one of the main reasons for mounted TVs to fall. These guidelines define clearly how much weight a TV bracket can hold. These brackets come along with the mounted TV. Furthermore, these brackets are the source of holding the TV over the wall.
It is preferred to put lesser weight on TV brackets as mentioned on it. They are suitable for lightweight wall-mounted TVs. You should avoid overloading the brackets by putting extra weight on them. Furthermore, it is advisable to not put extra speakers on brackets with TV.
Poor Installation
What do you feel when your expensive mounted TV falls just because of poor installation. Your heart bleeds. You paid for purchasing a high-quality mounted TV. But you ignore the installation process. Installing is as important as purchasing any device. Moreover, proper installation adds value to the product.
It is recommended to hire an expert for installing the mounted TV. However, it cost you more but may protect you from a bigger loss. They will install the mounted TV on the wall accurately. Also, being an expert they are aware of all the techniques. This helps in avoiding the unnecessary issues of falling.
Besides this, professionals are considered the safest option for this procedure. They have all the needed equipment. They can further guide you about better results for protecting the mounted TV from falling.
Furthermore, the poor installation of mounted TV also can damage the wall. This may cause the loosing of grip for new holes. The bolts and plugs do not fit again once the wall gets damaged. Also, it hurts your home aesthetics.
After finalizing this article, I think it important to know about the main issues regarding mounted TV falling. Being a user you must know how often do wall-mounted TVs fall. Also, what are causes and how to avoid them. Following the guidelines can protect you from unwanted damage.
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